monica s.
They say "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
This is exactly what happened with Sonia! I never expected to do distance learning after I sent her a message asking about how animal reiki differed from regular reiki. Sonia was most patient with all my questions during the learning sessions and was quick to give feedback to my case studies as well as give sage advice to enhance my experience.
I am forever grateful for finding her and the experience of learning with her.
sue h.
Just wanted to send you a very quick note with an ongoing thank you for your accompaniment and facilitation on the weekend [Animal Reiki Training].
It was an amazing experience that you helped make possible and I am dwelling in the gratefulness of it.
With deep appreciation.
I am so grateful that I found my way to Sonia and her Reiki training. It has been such a beautiful experience. I was nervous of my own abilities (or lack thereof) and Sonia helped me let go of my expectations and to just accept the experience. I felt some very clear connections with the animals and look forward to sharing Reiki with my animals at home as well as those in shelters and at sanctuaries.
When I first signed up, I only intended to complete level 1, but I am now looking forward to completing level 2 once I have more experience.
On behalf of my fur family and myself, thank you Sonia!
tracy r.
Although I was a skeptic at first, I am so happy we met. When your conversation started about Duchess I knew you had an incredible gift. You talked about how much Duchess loved her red ball. There is no other way you would have known this, other than communicating with Duchess. Her red ball definitely was a favourite. That was proof enough for me.
When Duchess became ill, you sent her distant reiki treatments, which seemed to comfort her and myself. Your communication with Duchess during her transition was a comfort to myself in knowing that she insisted I made the right decision 100%. I miss her dearly but knowing she’s ok has helped ease the pain. You truly have an amazing gift and one that I appreciate greatly.
Sonia, thank you so much for everything.
Emeline g.
Grace à Sonia , à son ecoute et ses bons conseils, j'ai pu avoir la chance de communiquer avec ma chatte Idylle. N'ayant pas de probleme particulier avec mon animal , j'ai souhaité cette communication simplement pour en savoir d'avantage sur elle, son vécu, ses ressentis, et également pour pouvoir faire lui passer un simple message d'amour.
Grâce à cette communication, j'ai pu apprendre beaucoup de choses sur mon chat , mais également sur moi même. Et des éléments que Sonia a pointé du doigt se sont avérés vrais quelques semaines plus tard. Bluffant ! Je ne peut que recommander a celles et ceux qui le souhaitent de faire une communication avec son animal, avec l'aide de Sonia!
claudia b.
Thank you so much for your help Sonia!
Since you have communicated with my dog Danko, he seems much more relaxed and his anxiety caused by the renovations we've been having at home, has substantially decreased.
andrea m.
This weekend [Animal Reiki certification] was what I was searching for.
With Sonia’s guidance, I thought I was going to help animals, but experienced the beginning of my own healing instead.
Thank you Sonia for giving me a new perspective on life.
nathalie l.
Uma the cat talking through her person's mouth:
When my master told me I would receive distant reiki sessions, I laughed at her. Wow, where did she pull that one from? The day of the session I was a little apprehensive about the whole thing but I must say it was a pleasant experience. Within a few days, my master noticed that I was calmer and more playful than usual. Although I still have a lot of work to do to get rid of my bad habits, this session was a welcome break. Uma
Ursula G.
We had a wonderful session. Amazing connection !!What an incredible gift Sonia gave to my husband and me. It was exciting to get a “glimpse” into the mind of our dog DASH.
Sonia quickly captured the true essence of his personality, validating some of our own impressions. Thank you Sonia for truly being able to speak to DASH and help us to understand his past. There is no way Sonia could know the things that she knows unless she heard them through conversations with DASH.
Sonia is one of the few people who really loves and understands animals. You can feel her passion about her work. We appreciate your insight and cannot recommend you more highly, Sonia!! You are a lovely and inspiring person!
Manesha K.
I had an amazing oracle card reading with Sonia. Even before she shuffled her cards she offered me such amazing information and wisdom that was so surprising and healing. She is a truly special and gifted woman and I plan to do another session in the future!
sara a.
The universe works in mysterious says....My journey and desire to hug a cow..yes hug a cow led me to a weekend Reiki with Animals seminar...I didn't even read what I was signing up for...all I knew was that I would have a chance to get an intro to Reiki with animals so I signed up immediately. There really are no words to describe what I experienced...however I'll do my best to explain. I started my journey wanting to hug a cow and instead I experience a weekend full of amazing connections to not only these beautiful animals...also connections with some of the most amazing women I've ever met. Each so different yet connected through our hearts...our desires...our love of animals and this beautiful world. With all that is happening around us it is more important than ever to tap into the beauty...the loving energy that is all around us. This seminar allowed me to experience that. I have never in my life been so relaxed...the whole weekend I was in bliss...learning to create a safe space of healing is feel that connection...feel that moment when a beautiful animal trusts you...connects with you is an absolutely wonderful sensation - I felt and still feel charged from the sessions in May. Sonia ... Thank you...thank you for creating such a great a little peace of times was difficult to let connect...brought up emotion...and you said to trust the process...and it was amazing. I will be signing up for the seminar in September. Looking forward to it and seeing you!! ...Sending good vibes to you all ....
Amelia l.
When our little girl started showing increased signs of discomfort from joint pain, demonstrated by low enthusiasm to go for walks, our first inclination was to consider holistic methods of treatment to complement the physiotherapy and dietary changes we've implemented for her. We recognize that Western veterinary medicine has it's place in treatment but prefer to lean on homeopathic remedies when appropriate and rational. Animal Reiki is another modality we added to our tool kit in support of our pup and we chose Sonia as our practioner. Sonia has came to our home weekly since the summer to help alleviate our little girl's anxieties and offer healing which, by our observation, has shown some promising results. Although it took some initial adjustment, our girl has come to look forward to her treatments as witnessed by her excitement to meet with Sonia and how much more readily she gets relaxed once treatment starts. When we first started sessions, progress was subtle but over several weeks we observe her mobility has improved/stabilized and her spirit is raised. Sonia has also offered very helpful insights on traditional chinese approaches to canine nutrition and supplementation and how we can further reduce inflammation through dietary changes. We are very encouraged by this and look forward to continue leveraging Reiki Energy as a valuable means to bond with both our fur babies and to support them mentally, physically and emotionally. Thank you Sonia for sharing Reiki with us and our girls.
I just have to send a short note saying how AMAZING my Friday night reading with Sonia was. I was a little skeptcial going in but left feeling completely empowered, motivated and cleansed! Absolutely cannot wait for another encounter with her!
cameron J.
Hi Sonia,
Thank you again for such a wonderful visit yesterday...your time, care, and healing way.
Jofi has responded with much more strength..she is walking stronger and her presence is as well stronger. I feel calmer as well except that she is unwilling to receive much touch and is quite is irritable regarding being touched. [..]
She has just shown interest in her favourite toy...still not playing with it but this level of awareness of the toy has been gone since this whole ordeal began. Right now she is lying on the rug by my feet, belly full of food and calm, resting.
I was left wondering yesterday what it meant in how you to brought me into the session...because I felt so much energy moving through me and i felt more in tune with Jofi...I viscerally understood where I have to get to in my process of, someday, letting her follow her own way. I was filled a very subtle sense but a very powerful one of my self in relation to Jofi and to myself.
I've had many Reiki treatments over the years - and so has my dog Ella, but the one Ella enjoyed recently was powerful and the only reason I can say that is Ella was snuggled up with me and I could feel the energy flow in a significant way. After the session, which calmed Ella greatly, and me, Sonia was kind enough to call and discuss what she saw when she was performing the treatment and then has further followed up with more information about the aspects of Ella she spoke to. Which is great customer service from a great Reiki master. I don't think anyone can go wrong with Sonia.
coralie b.
Sonia did two distant healing sessions on my cat Sullivan, who's had diarrhea for a few months and vomited his food regularly. He was also showing symptoms of separation anxiety. After the treatments, and after following Sonia's advice, I noticed a very rapid improvement: less stress, no more vomiting and diarrhea. Thank you Sonia for your help!
I had a reading with Sonia and all I can say is WOW! She has a real gift. Her ability to feel my energy and literally to see inside my head was unbelievable. What a beautiful experience, do yourself a favour and just go!
sara R.a.
Thank you so much Sonia for the readings [animal communications with 2 deceased cats]. It brings lots of comfort to know that they are still around and are in a good place. You got their personalities spot on too! Different in their own ways but very loving and uplifting energies. Thank you again, means a lot.
julie c.
OMG! Where do I even begin? I just recently discovered that reiki exists for animals! I am pleased to say my experience with Sonia has been a learning experience for both my dog and myself. My dog suffers from a lot of separation anxiety, feels the need to protect me at all times along and some times doesn't get along with other dogs. Starting this process with my dog has been AMAZING. I have noticed a change in him with other dogs. He is being more friendly and more playful. With just a few treatments I have seen some progress so I will continue treatment with Sonia. I would highly recommend her to anyone else who needs reiki with their animal.
We contacted Sonia when our 8 year old long-haired chihuahua, Elvis, seemed off and in pain; reluctant to go up and down stairs, didn’t really want to be touched. We took him to our vet and they couldn’t find anything wrong, but we knew he was uncomfortable and not himself. Sonia made us feel optimistic about the reiki and acupressure treatments. We did both in-person and distance reiki treatments as well as acupressure. Elvis was immediately comfortable with Sonia and happy to see her. Sonia assessed him and could tell right away where he was feeling pain and inflammation. We noticed a significant change with Elvis pretty quickly and then back to his old self within a couple of sessions. Sonia was also really helpful with recommendations about supplements, food choices and massage to help Elvis’ progress. Happily Elvis is still his usual self, running, jumping, asking for endless pets. We are so thankful to have found Sonia and that she has such a warm and calming energy that made everyone feel at ease.
Il y a quelques jours j’ai retrouvé notre chat vraiment mal en point, j’y cru qu’il allait nous quitter. J’ai contacté Sonia pour comprendre ce qui se passait et lui demander ce qu’il souhaitait que je fasse pour l’aider.Les réponses furent claires, il s’était empoisonné, souhaitait une nourriture très liquide pour aider ses reins à évacuer les toxines et souhaitait plusieurs soins de Sonia (à distance) pendant plusieurs jours. Dès le premier soin, son énergie est remontée, même s’il restait faible, la différence était flagrante. Il a beaucoup dormi pendant quelques jours tout en allant de mieux en mieux à chaque soin. Sincèrement je pense que si je l’avais emmené chez le vétérinaire, il l’aurait bourré de médicaments ou piqué (comme c’est arrivé à un ami). Aujourd’hui il est en pleine forme.
Mais l’aventure ne s’arrête pas là. Etant en déménagement en ce moment, j’ai emmené notre chat pour la première fois dans la nouvelle maison qui se trouve être au milieu des bois. Evidement il est parti explorer les lieux et s’est « perdu ». Au bout de quelques jours, je recontacte Sonia pour lui demander un nouveau coup de main afin de savoir si tout allait bien et s’il pouvait retrouver le chemin de la maison. La réponse de notre chat fut surprenante : « je me régénère, je chasse et je rentre bientôt, mais je veux bien un coup pour retrouver le chemin car je ne cerne pas encore bien les lieux.. ». Pendant 2 jours nous avons suivi les conseils de visualisation de Sonia et notre chat est rentré encore en meilleure forme qu’au départ.Je tiens vraiment à remercier Sonia pour sa disponibilité, sa réactivité et sa compétence !
jennifer b.
" Après un an d'espoir, j'avais vraiment besoin d'une aide extérieur pour me recentrer et retrouver la connexion avec Cibelle.
Elle est pour moi mon âme sœur animal, je ne serai l'expliquer mais je l'aime tant. Nos relations sont à la fois difficile par nos forts caractères mais également très facile car on se comprend rapidement. Pour notre relation et notre attachement, j'ai voulu avoir la chance de compter parmi nous une descendance de Cibelle. Malheureusement les choses ne se sont pas passées comme je l'aurai attendu et au bout d'un an à attendre un poulain irréel, j'ai fait appel à Sonia pour me sortir de ma tristesse et m'aider à me reconnecter avec ma jument. Au début, je pensais vivre un deuil mais grâce à Sonia, j'ai pris conscience de la barrière que j'avais mis entre ma jument et moi en vue de cet heureux événement. À présent je suie ses conseils en laissant ce passé derrière nous, vers de nouvelle aventure en duo, tout simplement et comme avant. Merci à toi "
collette b.
Emma kate w.
I first heard of Anahata Healing Circle when my friend used Sonia for a animal communication session with her dog, I contacted Sonia for both of my dogs to have a session with her and it went great. after that we started getting acupressure treatments for my aging bowser Boston terrier that had been in a car accident some years ago, my other dog Jasper would sit and watch so he would sometimes get some treatments too. When I tell my dogs Sonia is coming they jump in their beds and wait for her, when she comes in the door they are always so excited to see her like she's a part of the family. Bowser then gets right into his bed and he's ready for acupressure, Sonia has a lot of knowledge about animals and a holistic approach to feeding and animal Care, as a dog groomer myself I really notice the way Sonia is always gentle and kind to my pets and how rested and relaxed they are after every session. I highly recommend Sonia for any of the services she offers, and Bowser and Jasper do too.